It's past midnight, and I am still up, so even though the time stamp on the blog will say Wednesday, I am going to proceed as though it is still Tuesday, since it still feels that way to me.
This morning the Rock Gods showed back up to continue working on the front lawn. Today they started to dig up all the top few inches of dirt at the front of the lawn. This also meant a lot of roots. They used the digger and pulled most of them out, cleared the area and then brought in the topsoil.
In the meantime, Jordan, Isabel and Ivy came over and we all worked at finishing making the banana ice cream, and making ground beef. Each of the girls got a turn at turning the paddle on the ice cream maker and then they each got a turn at pulsing the food processor to grind up the steak that Herb had cut up. They all had a great time helping.
After that was finished, I took Amanda, Rebecca and Katrina to the Anchorage Museum and we spent a few hours there looking at all the exhibits. We started in the Alaska Gallery. Amanda really liked all of the dioramas, after having made a few herself. Rebecca liked the statues of the animals, especially the musk ox at the entrance to the gallery. And, Katrina liked climbing in and out of the stroller over and over, and taking off her shoes and socks, and asking for fruit snacks.
It is nice to have the girls old enough to begin to understand and relate to some of the things that they are seeing in the museum. Amanda got very excited when she saw all the things about the gold rush and began to tell us all about the things that we were seeing and what they were used for. Rebecca asked a lot of questions about what things were and what they were made of.
We went downstairs and looked at the paintings and then looked at the new exhibit which was contemporary art by native americans. Then we went into the Children's Gallery and the girls had a lot of fun playing in there. Katrina was well past her nap and was on the verge of a meltdown, so we left.
By the time we got home, the Rock Gods had filled in top soil, rocks, mulch and had completely cleared all the dirt and roots from where the sod was going to go at the front of the lawn.
Later in the afternoon, Jordan brought Isabel and Ivy back over and we had a little tea party under the fairy bower on the back porch. They had mini Oreos and apple juice "tea", and then we had the banana ice cream. That was absolutely delicious! Yum!
The Rock Gods will be back on Thursday to plant all the flowers, ferns, etc. The front yard looks really great already! It is going to be amazing!
See all the pics here.
See all the Landscaping pics here.
Our Christm . . I mean, New Years Newsletter
12 years ago
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