Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A few more steps on my weight loss journey

It's April 1st and you all know what that means. Well, besides the obligatory practical jokes, it's time for me to weigh and measure. . .and tell you all about it.

This has been a good month. After a lull in February I was able to get back in to fairly regular exercise and I also have let myself indulge a few times, which I had not done before. And when I say "indulge", I do not mean whoofing down five candy bars, I mean, at a wedding reception I had a small, thin piece of cake and did not eat the frosting. I mean at an Easter celebration I ate a small piece of Mom's lemon cake becuase it was SOOO good! I have learned and retrained my brain to realize that I do not need six candy bars to enjoy the taste of chocolate. I do not need to finish something if I don't like the taste of it just because it's there.

I still need to drink more water, but pretty much everything else is going really well!

So, here is the info for Month 3

1 April 2008
weight: 188
total pounds lost: 30 lbs
total inches lost: 39.75"

Only six pounds to meet my next goal, which is to get back to where I was when I tried to lose weight last year. And, I did get my size 16 jeans up over my hips, I just couldn't button them yet. Yet!!!

Tune in next month!


camfox said...

Way to go Lora! Really cool.

skye said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. . . You. Are. AWESOME!! Good job Lora!

Now you just have to tell me how to do it! :)