Rebecca has been waiting for this day for a long time! She has been very anxious to turn eight so that she can be baptized! And today was her day!
After Church today we gathered in the Primary room in the Kerman Ward chapel and celebrated Rebecca's enthusiastic decision to follow the example of the Savior and be baptized and become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There were a LOT of family and friends there to support her and show their love.
Rebecca was so excited she could hardly contain herself. We kept telling her to calm down a little bit, but the more we thought about it, we knew that she was just reacting, in the only way an eight year old knows how, to the good feelings of the Spirit. Amanda gave a very good talk on baptism and then Rebecca was baptized by Kevin (in VERY cold water). When she came up out of the water, she and her daddy gave each other a big hug. Her teeth were chattering as she got out of the font, but the smile on her face was enormous!
After everyone had dried off and changed, I gave a talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost, and then Rebecca was given the Holy Ghost and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a blessing by her dad. (Happy Father's Day Kevin!)
Afterwards, we all went outside and took a big huge group picture of all the family and friends who were there, and then several of them came over to our house for a late lunch get-together. Rebecca's Gramma and Papa were there, her Gpa Marshall, her Aunt Stephanie and cousins, Megan, Jeremy, Tracy and David, and also Uncle Scotty and Aunt Lea. There were many friends there as well, the Foxes, the Molloys, the Jorgensens and the Kaufmans. Wes, Laura and Stone showed up later on in the evening.
I don't know that at her age, Rebecca can fully appreciate the blessings of this day and all the people that were there to support her, but I know that she will one day.
See all the Baptism/Father's Day pics HERE.
Our Christm . . I mean, New Years Newsletter
12 years ago
Thank you for letting us be a part of this special day! It's been great getting to know your family more and more, and becoming a part of your world. :)
It was a beautiful service. So glad we could be there for it. We love you Rebecca! -The Foxes.
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