Sunday, June 01, 2008

Blogging my weight loss journey - Month 5

This month has been both good and bad.

Bad because I didn't try as hard as I could have. Bad because I gave into temptation more than I should have. Bad because I didn't really reach the goals I had for myself this month.

Good because I lost 2 lbs. and 7.5" this month. Good because I went to buy some new clothes this month and I didn't have to shop in the Women's Department! Good because I fit into my size 16 jeans this month. Good because I have been getting a lot of compliments. Good because I am feeling good about myself and how I am doing!

This month was extremely busy and it is easy to get lazy about your goals when you are busy! Some days I would be so busy I would miss a meal and end up eating more at the next one to make up for it. With as full of a schedule as I had it was very difficult to have the time to exercise, and that made a huge difference! Plus there was a birthday party and a weekend vacation. I think I did really well to have lost two pounds, rather than gaining any!

Month 5:

Total weight lost: 38 lbs.

Total inches lost: 50.25"

Goals for this next month:
To pass 178 lbs., which is the halfway mark
Exercise five times a week

1 comment:

skye said...

Lora, I can't believe how awesome you're doing! I sooo wish I had your your willpower. Keep up the good work! I know you can reach your ultimate goal!