Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lea & Scott's Big Day

Scott Bolin has been a part of the Nehring family for years. Mom and Dad consider him to be one of their own. Our kids call him Uncle Scotty. When Scott and Lea got together we were happy to get to know Lea, and our kids immediately started calling her Aunt Lea. We were thrilled when Scott asked Lea to marry him at the end of his first Ironman Triathalon.

Scott and Lea's wedding was held at a beautiful home in the foothills surrounding Millerton Lake. It was a gorgeous location! The weather was mostly cooperative, as it didn't rain during the ceremony, but it did sprinkle before and after. Scott looked great and Lea looked fantastic! Their vows were perfect for their relationship. The girls got to be a part of the ceremony and hold flowers in the background. When the ceremony was over, there was a great buffet meal and then the Santa Cruz River Band played several songs for Scott and Lea. One of the band members is Scott's uncle. They were great! It was a great party and now they are off to Hawaii to run the route of the Hawaiian Ironman Traithalon! How cool is that!

See all the pics HERE and HERE.

For more pics, click the following links: Scott & Lea's Announcement, Announcement Photos, Lea's Dress Fitting

1 comment:

camfox said...

Awesome pictures. Everyone looks great. Cool house. You described it very well- just as I pictured it.