Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Locks of Love

The end of the school year has been crazy with so much going on.  The girls got out of school on June 7th, and two days later we were off for a week to Nevada.  In and amongst all the chaos, Rebecca did something really special.

A little over two years ago, Rebecca's best friend, Sadie Fox, got her hair cut and donated it to Locks of Love, an organization which takes donated hair and makes it into wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer or disease.  Lora had suggested this idea to Amanda several times, but Rebecca's hair was short.  Rebecca decided that she wanted to donate her hair, so she let everyone know that she was going to grow it out.  The hair needs to be at least 10 inches long, and within a year, Rebecca's was getting close.  It went past the summer however, so Rebecca decided that she wanted to wait for her birthday this year to get it cut.  By this summer, it was more than halfway down her back!!

As it happens, we were going to be in Nevada on her birthday, so she decided instead to do it on the last day of school.  Sadie had been growing her hair out as well, so they decided to get their hair cut on the same day.

We went to a friend of ours who cuts hair, and off it came!

The first cut! Eeeeek!
Rebecca watched nervously as all her hair was being cut and put into ponytails.  Even though she has usually had short hair, it is a bit unnerving to have it cut off when you have had it long for so long.
Piles of Rebecca's hair!
Sadie came to see how Rebecca's hair looked before going to her appointment to get her hair cut.
Now Rebecca gets her hair styled.
Short hair!!  And all of Rebecca's long hair, ready to donate!

About 14" of hair!!

Sadie and Rebecca with their short hair!  Such cute girls!
And the last step, Rebecca at the Post Office, mailing her hair to Locks of Love.
We are so proud of Rebecca that she cared to deeply about this idea that she spent two years growing out her hair to help someone who needs it!  Rebecca has such a wonderful, giving nature!

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