Friday, January 11, 2008

Rebecca's Safety Tips

Rebecca made a book today that I thought was great! It is a book of safety tips, complete with pictures.

Safety tip #1 - Never tighten belts around your neck. (never tighten belts around you'r neek)

Safety tip #2 - Never go swimming during electrical storms. (never go swiming dring alechacle storms)

Safety tip #3 - Never play loud music in headphones. (never play loud mousik in hed fans)

Safety tip #4 - Never give information over the phone to strangers. (never give inframashan over the fan to strangers)

Safety tip #5 - Never leave a thumb tack where you might sit on it. (never leve a tham tap war you mite sit on it)

Safety tip #6 - Never run from policemen who have a K-9. (never run from plecmen how have a K-9)

Safety tip #7 - Never touch hot stoves (never tach hot staves)

Safety tip #8 - Never go up in space without your oxygen tank. (never go up in spas without you'r asagin tanke)

Safety tip #9 - Never look at the sun too long. (never looke at the sun to lang)

Safety tip #10 - Always wear a helmet while riding a bike. (allways war a hellmit will riding a bick)

Safety tip #11 - Don't watch too much TV. (spelled perfectly!)

Safety tip #12 - Never stand on a swivel chair. (never stand on a swivl chare)

Safety tip #13 - Never tell lies to police officers. (never tell lyis to polec oficers)

Safety tip #14 - Never run with candy in your mouth. (spelled perfectly!)

Safety tip #15 - Never poke anything sharp through your skin. (never poke eneting sharp throu your sckin)

Safety tip #16 - Never play with a match. (never play with a mach)

Safety tip #17 - Never play with guns. (spelled perfectly!)

I am sure there will be more, but for now, those are Rebecca's safety tips. I think we will all be a lot safer if we adhere to them!

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