We had a great Chirstmas this year. On Christmas Eve Kevin's parents came to our house. After a traditional dinner of soup and bread, we were treated to a program that Amanda and Rebecca had been working really hard on all week. There were handwritten programs for everyone, and there were a lot of songs and each of the girls gave a talk about the importance of Christmas. It was really neat! The girls wouldn't want to admit it, but Katrina really stole some of the show. After each of the songs we would all clap and Katrina would do this sort of flying curtsie. Both arms went out at her sides and she lifted one leg to the side and bent forward. It reminded me of an ice skater. It was so funny and so cute. The girls sang "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer" and Rebecca stood in front of us and sang and Amanda hid behind the couch and sang the echo. Rebecca sang, "join in any reindeer games," and Amanda echoed, "Like Monopoly," and then from way behind the couch we hear a soft double echo, "Like Monopoly," from Katrina. She double echoed every line and it was hilarious!
We had a great time opening gifts and then after Mom and Dad went home it took FOREVER to get the girls to bed! Amanda and Rebecca drank a lot of water to try to have to get up to go to the bathroom and catch Santa, but instead ended up getting up three or four times in the first hour and having to change pajamas because of not quite making it to the bathroom in time. And, even then, Santa slipped in while they weren't looking.
In the morning the girls were EXTREMELY patient and waited for us to get up before they got into too much of their stockings. We had a great morning. The Sister missionaries came over for breakfast and we all watched Ratatouille. (They are allowed to watch one G-rated movie on Christmas Day.) Then we went up to Kevin's parent's house for the rest of Christmas Day. We had a summer BBQ picnic for Christmas Dinner with hamburgers, potato salad and beans. We played games, did puzzles, and watched some TV.
The girls spent a lot of time playing with their new toys and things, but my favorite will be watching them putting on their program. It's wonderful to enjoy Christmas with children.
See the Christmas Eve pics HERE
See the Christmas Morning pics HERE
Our Christm . . I mean, New Years Newsletter
12 years ago