Monday, August 13, 2007

First Day of School

This morning Amanda and Rebecca were off to school again! All week long the have been excitedly planning what they were going to wear and put in their backpacks.

Katrina was a little out of sorts this morning. I think she realized that something was changing, and I am not sure that she was all that happy about it. All the way to Sun Empire Elementary School, she sat in her car seat with a little frown on her face. Kevin asked her if she was okay and she gave a little nod, but her expression didn't change.

Rebecca was very excited to have Mrs. Nakagawa for her second grade teacher. Amanda had Mrs. Nakagawa for second grade and we all know what a great teacher she is. Rebecca hugged her teacher, found her desk and her cubby and after a few quick hugs to Mom and Dad and her sisters, she was off to the playground.

We drove home and then Kevin, Katrina and I walked over to Liberty Intermediate School with Amanda. She is in the accelerated learning class with Mr. Karagozian. There are many kids that she knows from Sun Empire in there with her, so I know she will be fine, but when we got there she started to shuffle timidly and then put her finger in her mouth, a sure sign that she was very nervous. We know she will be fine, but it may take a day or two.

Katrina is doing fine now. She is sitting at the table having cereal and watching Little Einsteins. She is happily patting the table to help rocket take off and is yelling, blast off! She will miss her sisters, but I think she is going to enjoy having the house and Mom to herself for a while!

See all the pics here.

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