Katrina completely freaked us out Saturday night!
Kevin went in to check on her around 10:30pm, but she wasn't in her bed. Sometimes she will climb on to the couch in our room and sleep there, but she was not there either. Kevin said he had already checked the bathroom and closet and she wasn't there. We checked under the bed and in the girl's room, but no luck. We even checked the garage, knowing there was no way she could get that door open by herself. I checked the rest of the house, saying a little prayer as I went. She wasn't in any of the other rooms.
Kevin came out to say that he had found her, but that I would never believe where he found her. He was right - I didn't. She was in the closet, under Kevin's shirts, way back in the corner of the wall. All we could see were her toes poking out from under the shirts.
Whew! Prayer answered!
When we asked her the next morning why she had climbed under daddy's shirts, she said, "...Sleep". There's two-year-old logic for you!
Next time we will look there first!
See all the pics here.
Our Christm . . I mean, New Years Newsletter
12 years ago